ADPEN provides analysis results at a faster rate for Fluoroquinolones.

Fluoroquinolones are a subgroup of the quinolone antibiotics that were discovered within the last decades.  These are employed against almost all bacterial infections, particularly against urinary tract infections and acute respiratory diseases.  Both for human and veterinary medicine, fluoroquinolones play a decisive role.Fluoroquinolones are the first man made antibiotics and have a wide range of effects.  Among the ones currently being used are, Ciprofloxacin, Enrofloxacin, Sarafloxacin, Difloxacin, Danofloxacin, Enoxacin, Fleroxacin, Norfloxacin, Ofloxacin, Sparfloxacin, Flumequin, Marbofloxacin, and Oxolinic acid.  Ciprofloxacin has been used as a broad spectrum antibiotic since 1980 and there are only a few resistances known in Europe.  Its employment is quite restricted to maintain its maximum potency.  Enrofloxacin is employed as an anti-inflammatory drug in veterinary medicine.  Residues of fluoroquinolones have been found in seafood from China, Vietnam and other Asian countries.  Application of fluoroquinolones in apiculture as a prophylaxis of bee diseases is highly conceivable and residues in honey samples have already been found.

Recently, excessive residues of ciprofloxacin and enrofloxacin in frozen filets of fish from Asia and China have been found and were reported by various Agencies in the US (FDA, Alabama Department of Agriculture and other States) and in Europe by the Rapid Alert System of the European Union.  In the first quarter of 2006, honey samples from various locations have been found to also contain fluoroquinolones, these were reported by the European Union and by our laboratory.  ADPEN employs state-of-the-art LC/MS/MS instrumentation to achieve the levels required by FDA and other State Agencies.

There is no tolerance for fluoroquinolones in food, therefore there should be no residues present.  Fluoroquinolones should not be detectable in foods.  Their use and the subsequent absorption by human beings can lead to resistance against antibiotics and health complications.

Analyses of fluoroquinolones by  LC/MS/MS method in  honey products, seafood, fish and animal tissues..

ADPEN is a world leader in safety evaluation of foods, functional foods, nutritional products, nutraceuticals, herbals and raw materials.  Analyses for fluoroquinolones are conducted directly by LC/MS/MS both a screening and confirmatory tool.  Although LC/MS/MS is used to avoid duplication of testing when confirmation is needed and to save time by conducting only determining and confirmatory analysis, it is the only recognized confirmation means of testing at the low levels required.  The method utilized have been developed by ADPEN Laboratories, Inc.  ADPEN tests for  four fluoroquinolones and is improving its method to include other fluoroquinolones.

Customs or FDA Detention

For imported detained foods, and independent sample collector should be used to collect 12 representative (reps) samples from each lot.  These samples are properly labeled, sealed and an official sample collection form is used to document the collection. Honey samples are sent to ADPEN for testing at room temperature, all other samples are maintained frozen and sent to ADPEN for testing by overnight carrier with dry ice.  ADPEN upon receipt will treat the samples according to state and/or Federal requirements for testing.  Testing of the samples will be done using LC/MS/MS for the four fluoroquinolones.  ADPEN can arrange for collection of the samples at any port of entry. Reporting will be done to the FDA with a copy for the client which includes a Certificate of Analysis.

Testing for Product Release Alabama, Louisiana, Mississippi and Arkansas

For imported testing of foods as required by Alabama, Louisiana, Mississippi and Arkansas, a composite of 12 filets from one box of each lot should be obtained.  (sampling requirements may be different in some cases for various states).  These samples are properly labeled, sealed and a sample collection form is used to document the collection. The samples are maintained frozen, or kept at room temperature for honey samples, and then sent to ADPEN for testing by overnight carrier with dry ice for frozen samples.  ADPEN upon receipt will homogenize the samples as needed.  Testing of the samples will be done using LC/MS/MS for the four fluoroquinolones.  ADPEN can arrange for collection of the samples in any city.  A Certificate of Analysis (COA) is provided when results are available.  Reporting can be done as per client request.  Raw data and supporting data can be provided to the State Agencies when requested.

Quality Control Testing

For quality control testing, a composite or 12 representative (reps) samples (one filet of fish, 5 ounces of shrimp or 2 ounces of honey per rep) from each lot should be obtained.  These samples are properly labeled, sealed and an official sample collection form is used to document the collection. The samples are maintained frozen, or kept at room temperature for honey samples, and then sent to ADPEN for testing by overnight carrier with dry ice for frozen samples.  ADPEN upon receipt will homogenize the samples as needed.  Testing of the samples will be done using LC/MS/MS for the four fluoroquinolones.  ADPEN can arrange for collection of the samples in any city.  A Certificate of Analysis is provided when results are available.  Reporting can be done as per client request.

Rush Service( 3-4 Workdays )*
Normal Service ( 5-7 Workdays).*

Testing for Quality Control and Customs Clearance
Quality Control Programs
Analyses of Fluoroquinolones  by LC/MS/MS
Quantitation and Detection Levels as Required by FDA and State Agencies